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Fixed mindset and growth mindset

Fixed mindset and growth mindset


Friday Feedback #37: Your mindset affects how you work with feedback. You are probably familiar with the idea of mindset. Have you considered how it affects the way you give and receive feedback?

The week before this episode, I showed episode 22 from 2018, which was a great teaser for the Mindset topic.

The headline on it was: You're not hearing the truth because of your behavior. [see it here]

Hello, Mr. President.

And hello.

Yes, I've brought an extra Danni, because what we're going to talk about today is going to require an... "An extra effort!"

It's a funny thing to say...

Thank you, Mr. President.

Hi, it's Danni here and welcome to Friday Feedback.

Today we need to get rid of the culture of zero defects, we need to harness our inner perfectionist!

And for that topic, let's take a quick look at Carol Dweck, one of the leading mindset researchers and author of the book Mindset that's Brilliant.

Among other things, she conducted a study with several hundred children across schools in the US, where they were all given the same intermediate test.

What you say to some of the children is: "Wow, you got 8 out of 10 right. You must be really smart!"

And to another group you say: "Wow, you got 8 out of 10 right. You must have really worked hard!"

And that's very good, most people are familiar with that idea. You have to recognize the effort, not the result.''

But then it gets interesting, because then you ask them if they want to spend some of the remaining time on more difficult tasks.

Even there, the group who were told they were smart are already affected. Because 67% said No thanks to more difficult tasks.

However, of the children who were told that "they had worked hard", 90% wanted the difficult task.

There are more details to the story and the research, but in short, these two groups represent what Carol Dweck calls a Fixed Mindset and a Growth Mindset.

Fixed Mindset

Fixed mindset means that we believe we are as good as we are or have the talent to be.

And that there are things we will never learn.

It also means that we want to show the world how good we are at something. All the time!

Proveour worth.

Becauseit is an expression of how much we can do; of our upper limit.

People with a predominantly fixed mindset say things like:

"I will never be good at Mathematics"
"I will never be good at sports, or dealing with conflicts."

Do you sometimes hear people say things like this? And do you hear yourself saying this in some areas of your life?

Growth Mindset

Growth mindset, on the other hand, basically means that we believe that with sustained effort we can keep getting better and better.

"The reason I've brought both me Danni - and me Danni - with me today is that we all have a combination of these mindsets in us.

While people tend to be more in one mindset or another, our inner dialog - what we say to ourselves and those around us - can influence our mindset in a given situation and in the longer term.

In the coming weeks, we will focus on the theme of mindset and how you can actively manage your own mindset and help others move towards a growth mindset.

But for now: How do you or you work with mindset, with mistakes and the zero-error culture in your own life or in your organization?

Leave a comment on LinkedIn and help spread the word about getting this zero-error culture out there.

Thank you for stopping by and see you soon.

#Fridayfeedback are short videos with tips for better performance and well-being through feedback.

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