
Hybrid collaboration

Find the balance between flexibility, productivity and connectedness

Person writing on a computer.
Hybrid collaboration

Why is this important?

The world is changing rapidly, and so are the norms and expectations for the workplace. Hybrid means mix and in this case the mix between working from the office and from other places. New rhythms, processes and habits must be established for communication. We help to make it make sense in hybrid collaboration.


Developing leaders

In person

What is it all about?

An organization's leaders will always be role models for employees, and the behavior of managers therefore has a big impact on how people behave around them. Therefore, when the culture needs to change and new habits need to be learned, it is crucial that leaders are able to drive the change. We help with this, among other things, by building learning skills, influencing the mindset of leaders and helping them to translate the new methods into everyday life.

Developing teams

In person

What is it all about?

In well-functioning teams, the individual members contribute to the solution of the overall task, while constantly learning from each other and developing each other's competencies. This enables the entire team to develop and coordinate work in a way that produces strong results. In all well-functioning teams, there are certain competencies, agreements and habits that strengthen the community and ensure that cooperation works optimally. Which ones it is, however, can be very different from team to team. Therefore, we always start by delving into your particular situation and finding the key dynamics and processes that we need to work with to make your team work in the best possible way.


In person

What is it all about?

Vi kan ikke revolutionere jeres kultur på tre timer, men vi kan give jer nogle centrale redskaber, et fælles sprog og en forståelse for de interne dynamikker i organisationen eller på teamet. Ja, måske ender I endda med at fået par aha-oplevelser eller 5 med hjem. I vores workshops lægger vi vægt på praktisk afprøvning, konkrete tips, læringsvariation og deltagerinvolvering. Klik på linket, og find den workshop, som passer til jeres behov.

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