Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
The effect of sarcasm vs. appreciative feedback

The effect of sarcasm vs. appreciative feedback


Friday Feedback #36: Raised index finger, sarcasm or appreciative feedback? For this #FridayFeedback episode, I called a company because I thought their communication was brilliant. But does this kind of thing work for you, or do you think it can be too much?

Friday feedback with Danni Liljekrans.

This episode of Friday Feedback features a case study that shows how communication and encouraging certain behaviors can be done through finger-pointing, sarcasm and appreciative feedback.

It's very popular, perhaps especially because of Jytte.

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Hi it's Danni here and welcome to Friday Feedback.

The other day I was in another part of the Danish country. A place where, if I haven't slept enough, I don't quite understand what my fellow human beings are saying to me.

Also a place where if you forget to check out, the bus driver stops, opens the door again and asks if you checked out?

(It's a true story, by the way!)

In the same place, I experienced a clever way of influencing behavior, and I actually got so curious about their communication that I called the company.

What was behind the messages?

How did they get there?

I reached out to Gine from their communications department, who said the following:

We tried several different things before we got to where we are today.
We first tried a raised index finger, and that didn't work very well.
And then we tried some sarcasm at one point, and that didn't really work very well either.
We did get a lot of messages from people who remembered our campaign, but it was mostly because they liked it, and that wasn't the point.

And then we tried to turn it around completely, and now we have the universe that you (read: Danni) have seen, and we can see that it works!

People write and praise the campaign on our Facebook wall, and we have had several students contact us to write a paper about it.
It hasn't been a huge amount of brain surgery. We've sat down with four people in our small communications department and based our work on the situations we thought were important, and then we've just written messages that fit each of them.
There are about 15-20 messages in total.

Gine works at Nordjyllands Trafikselskab and the current communication that prompted me to do this particular episode of Friday Feedback - it's the messages in their buses.

Gine and her colleagues asked themselves: "How do we influence people to be nice and kind to each other?"

For example, you can do this by having simple sentences with concrete behaviors.

This way, you as the recipient can see exactly what type of behavior is valued.

(Note, this is also"towards language")

What do you think about this type of communication or nudging?

That'sreally the essence of appreciative feedback.

Tell people what's working so they know what to do more of.

Isthis something you could use in your team or organization?

Or maybe in your parenting?

Leave a comment on LinkedIn and help spread the good word.

Thanks for watching and see you again!

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