Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
One action that sends colleagues well on holiday

One action that sends colleagues well on holiday


Friday Feedback #30: How do you send employees on a good holiday? The tip to send each other well on Christmas break with a little #kudos, #thanks and #recognition.

Friday feedback with Danni Liljekrans.

Welcome to the final Friday Feedback episode of the year (2018).

There are many things you can do to end the year on a high note, and this tip is one of them.

It doesn't take you long, but it makes a huge difference to your employees.

Also see the tip on LinkedIn with the comments added there.


I know it's not time for a performance review right now.

It's more time for ...


Ah, that was a bit of a search...

But that doesn't mean you can't tell your employees what they do well.

Hi, this is Danni. Welcome to Friday Feedback.

This is episode number 30 and it will be the last one this year.

The theme is: #Kudos, #Thank You and #Recognition.

That's why I'd like to invite you to recognize your colleagues or employees before they go on Christmas break.

There's nothing quite like going on vacation feeling good about the work you've done over the past year.


You can make it as simple as just making a list of names and finding out:

What are you grateful that these people bring to the table?

Send them an email or walk over and tell them.

It looks like this:

Dear X,
Thank you so much for sharing what you do (make it concrete here).
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Your attentive leader.

Because when you do this, you're showing that you pay attention and care about your employees or colleagues.

And that creates a fantastic atmosphere.

I am so grateful that you have chosen to join me on this #FridayFeedback journey in 2018.

It started here and it's video number 30, with much more to come in 2019.

I am very grateful for all the comments that you have chosen and contributed. Your likes and Thumbs-up etc. but most of all for sharing your knowledge!

These videos are just the start of what we're creating together.

I make these videos without really getting much of a return on the "bottom line", but that's because my mission is to make feedback something that happens in everyday life. To make it commonplace.

So thank you so much for contributing from time to time, and for seeing them here and maybe using them without telling anyone.

Maybe you're just saying thank you to your girlfriend, wife, husband, colleague or boss. Maybe to your children.

The most important thing is that you go out and spread some good energy in the world, and I hope this contributes to that.

For now, send an email or say thank you to your co-workers and colleagues.

And I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you in 2019!

#FridayFeedback are short videos with tips for better performance and well-being through feedback

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