Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
The biggest Friday feedback news of 2019

The biggest Friday feedback news of 2019


Friday Feedback #39: The merger. Friday Feedback brings big news that indicates exciting times ahead! There's also a little tip about feedback and vulnerability in today's video.

The biggest news this year

Everything changes, but only for the better. And in a way, nothing changes.

Readmore about the content behind the video here:

Feedwork merges with Better Feedback


Hi it's Danni here and welcome to Friday Feedback.

I'd like to start by telling you a little story.

A few years ago, a tradesman is sitting in his start-up shop, curious about the industry he's about to enter.

So he grabs the bone and reaches out to a slightly larger company that has been in business a little longer and has some larger customers.

They have a small conversation and agree that despite being competitors, they might be able to meet.

Perhaps they can consider each other as "con-colleagues".

Over the next few years, the contractor and the company met regularly - once in a while - a few times a year.

They actually end up doing a few projects together too.

"Danni, what does this have to do with feedback? We're curious over here..."

Calm down, calm down, calm down. It's coming.

Two things.

Firstly, when working with feedback, one of the most important things is to be willing to be a little bit vulnerable.

That way, you can have more genuine dialogs when you're willing to say "Hey, I think you can teach me something. Will you give me some feedback?"

There is so much power at stake and so many different agendas. So if we're going to learn from each other, whether it's from managers, employees, staff and everything else, we need to be willing to show a little bit of vulnerability.

The craftsman and the company both had trade secrets, but by meeting and sharing a little bit each, trust was built and they were able to learn something.

Over time, they both became more skilled. It was a win-win solution.

The merger

They actually ended up joining forces and creating a slightly larger company where they could do some work for some larger clients as well.

"Good story, Danni. A lot of us liked it. Is that it?"

Almost. This is also relevant in Friday feedback, because that handyman...

It's actually me.

And the bigger company is called Feedwork.

It's a slightly larger company that has helped a lot of really exciting companies with their feedback culture.

And a few years ago, I reached out to them. We had a chat. The rest is history. Now we're in the process of merging.

So in the future, you can look forward to Friday feedback containing learnings from even more and bigger customers.

That means better Friday feedback for you.

I'm really looking forward to it!

If you want to make sure you receive Friday Feedback on the other side of the summer vacation, sign up for the newsletter on this page.

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I'm looking forward to a very exciting second half of 2019.

It only gets better from here, but first a little break: Summer vacation, I hope you're enjoying it too.

And we'll see you again in August.

See you soon!

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