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5 steps to optimise your meetings

5 steps to optimise your meetings


Friday Feedback #35: 5 steps to meeting optimization

Friday feedback with Danni Liljekrans.

Last episode was 4-step meeting structure - this episode's 5 steps are about how to start optimizing your meetings:

5 Steps - How to optimize your meetings

  1. Watch it in the video (or scroll down :) )
  2. Expect multiple iterations.
  3. Select first (small) change.
  4. Prepare the participants.
  5. Test, reflect, adjust, repeat.


And if you don't manage to complete step 1, well, then it's up to chance whether you get better meetings or continue to have meetings that are more like an average lecture at a Danish university.

Hi, it's Danni here and welcome to Friday Feedback.

You've experienced great meetings.

You've also experienced bad meetings, and you may have seen some of the recent episodes of Friday Feedback with tips for effective meetings, such as Silence with Bastian Overgaard, how to specifically get feedback on your meetings, traditions that create a positive atmosphere (a tip from Greenland!) and the necessity of follow-up "You said - We did".

But how do we go from inspiration to actual change?

Today we take a closer look at that.

Stepnumber two is:

Acceptthat change takes time, and no matter what you choose to do in your meetings, you're unlikely to get it right the first time. It's called iterative development.

Stepnumber three:

Chooseyour suggestion for the first change you want to make, preferably together with the other meeting participants, for example if you are a team.

Here you can also take a closer look at the previous videos we've made. For example, do you want to introduce silence?



Because it creates some kind of space for reflection?

Or do you want to create some traditions at the beginning and end of your meeting that either make it more efficient, or get ongoing feedback, or just create a positive vibe every time you start your meeting?

Stepnumber four:

Tell themeeting participants that you will optimize the meeting through small experiments, for example over the next 2, 4, 8 weeks depending on the changes you make and how often you have your meeting.

Stepnumber five:

Tryit out. Reflect on the effect, ask participants what they think it did.

Then adjust slightly and repeat.

Repeating and iterating is key.

But as I said at the beginning: If you don't manage to complete step one, well, then it's up to chance whether you get better meetings or whether you continue to have meetings that are more like an average lecture at a Danish university.

Stepnumber one is this:

Lookat your calendar and decide which recurring meeting you want to start optimizing. If you don't decide on one meeting, you're probably trying to change all of them with the best of intentions. Make small adjustments everywhere.

But then you might as well try to make me not care about the feedback culture in Danish workplaces (Hah!)

That's not going to happen.

So when do you do step one?

Which meeting will you start optimizing?

Thanks for watching and see you again!

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