Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
Webinar: Become a curious leader - Four magic questions that create development and action

Webinar: Become a curious leader - Four magic questions that create development and action


WEBINAR RECORDING | Free webinar for managers, coordinators, project managers and other learning geeks who want to create proactive behavior in their employees through coaching and curiosity.

Webinar on coaching and state change. How you as a leader can use questions and curiosity to create development and action.

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

The ability to ask questions is a highly underrated trait if you want to be a good leader. And it doesn't matter what questions you ask your employees. Curiosity and good questions have tremendous power to transform limitations and a problem focus in your employees into a conversation about solutions and opportunities. Through good questioning techniques, you as a manager can guide your employees to be more proactive and take ownership of solving their own challenges.


On our webinar on June 22nd, we invite you to join us for a small taste of the coaching leadership style. We will start a conversation about how you as a manager can get the best out of your employees by being curious and open. Focusing on one of the many coaching tools, we'll talk about state shifting as an easy way to create development and action in an otherwise busy workday. We will also show a practical example of how the tool can be used when we demonstrate a live coaching session during the webinar.  

Now that it's over, you can read more about the content here: conflict management


The webinar is particularly relevant for you as:

  • Want to create more development in your employees
  • Want to get better at guiding your employees to solve their own challenges
  • Want to develop your leadership and learn more about the coaching leadership style


When you join the webinar you will receive:

  • Understanding why it's important to ask the right questions
  • Insights into the benefits of a coaching leadership style
  • A concrete tool with four golden questions that create development and action
  • Showed a live example of how to use the tool


The webinar will be hosted by Mikkel and Pernille

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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