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What makes a good leader?

What makes a good leader?


Discover the key to a successful leadership style. Explore the defining traits of a great leader. Learn to motivate, inspire and lead successfully.

What makes a good leader?

Good leaders can quickly prove to be the difference between success and failure for you and your business. 

Because even in a world spinning with technological advancements and constant change, we can't underestimate the need for skilled and inspiring leaders.

The question of what makes a good leader is not only relevant, but it's also crucial for businesses, organizations and society as a whole. Being a leader is more than just a title. It's about being a driving force that shapes culture, energizes the team and makes results explode.

Here you can read a bit about personal leadership

A good leader is the dynamo that brings a team together to pursue common goals. A bad leader, on the other hand, is more like a stick in the wheel, causing discord and leaving employees without a clear direction.

In short, leadership has a direct impact on both team triumphs and well-being.

But what makes a good leader?

That's what we'll dive into in this article. Here you'll find a treasure trove of knowledge to help you separate the wheat from the chaff and maybe even figure out how to raise the bar as a leader yourself.

What is good leadership?

Good leadership is the heart of a well-oiled team or a top-notch organization. It's more than just a title or a rulebook. A truly great leader possesses a whole palette of skills. It's not just about management, but the ability to excite, guide and engage the team. 

By combining a deep understanding of human behavior and organizational dynamics, a great leader can create a work environment where employees not only survive, but thrive. The idea is to create a space where they feel inspired, supported and motivated to throw themselves into the company's success. It's also worth remembering that good appreciative leadership is key to a high level of psychological safety within the team. As this is crucial to how employees share, collaborate and perform, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Read more about working with psychological safety.

Good leadership is not just about being an authority figure, but about being a mentor, a visionary and a link between employees and organizational goals. 

Read about charismatic leadership here.

What are the characteristics of a good leader?

In the search for a great leader, it's crucial to understand the characteristics that define a true leader. Identifying these characteristics is not only a guide to selecting the right leaders, but it is also a journey of discovery into the traits that inspire and drive a team towards success. 

Let's dive into what makes a great leader:

Setting clear goals and visions

Setting clear goals and visions is like mapping out a path for the team. A good leader is not only the one who says, "We're going there," but also explains why. The greater purpose behind it all gives employees a sense of meaning in their work.

When employees understand how their piece of the puzzle fits into the bigger picture, they want to get involved. It's not just an inconsequential action - it's a feeling of, "Hey, my contribution matters!" When engaged employees can see the purpose, success isn't far away.

Engage, motivate and coach employees

A good manager understands that each employee is unique and may have different motivational factors. By identifying and recognizing these factors, the manager can adapt their approach and offer the right support. This can include recognizing achievements, offering challenging tasks, and providing coaching to develop skills and confidence. By creating a sense of being seen, heard and supported, managers build an environment where employees thrive and feel motivated to perform at their best.

Read about strategic management

Communicates and communicates clearly

Clear and concise communication is a leader's way to eliminate confusion and misunderstandings. A good leader articulates messages in a way that is easily understood by everyone on the team. This includes not only relaying information, but also listening attentively to employees' questions and concerns. Through openness and honesty, the leader creates an environment where information is shared freely and employees feel comfortable asking questions and providing feedback. The result? Strong collaboration and a transparent work culture.

Is a good listener

A good manager empathizes and shows genuine interest in what employees have to say. Think of a manager as an understanding friend who is interested in hearing about your day. A good manager takes the time to hear what employees have to say. This not only shows respect, but also builds a bridge of trust. When people feel seen and heard, they participate more actively and go the extra mile.

You may want to read about: authentic leadership

Maintains the balance between decision-making and collaboration

A good leader understands the importance of both making decisions and including the team in the decision-making process. By making decisions, the leader shows decisiveness and direction, but by including the team in decisions, the leader creates a sense of shared ownership and responsibility. This creates a culture where employees feel involved and motivated to work together to achieve goals.


A great leader is always curious about new ideas, perspectives and approaches. This curiosity creates an environment where innovation thrives. By exploring new possibilities and challenging the status quo, leaders also inspire employees to think outside the box. Curiosity drives a constant strive for improvement and leads to continuous development within the team.

Watch our webinar 'Become a curious leader - Four magic questions that create development and action'

Can handle conflict

Being able to manage conflict in a positive way is like being a peacemaker in the workplace. A good leader is able to resolve disagreements and challenges in a way that brings people together rather than divides them. This creates a healthy environment where problems are addressed and everyone can continue to work in harmony.

Has a sense of both impact and involvement

Figuratively speaking, a good leader is like a conductor of an orchestra - they can shout loudly, but they can also let the musicians give their input. A balanced leader speaks with power, but also understands the value of including the team in decisions. It's about having authority without being authoritarian.

Finding the right balance between structure and flexibility

A good leader is able to create a solid structure for the work, while being open to adapting to change and new opportunities. They create a framework that provides direction and momentum, but also allows for adaptation when necessary. For example, today's managers need to be aware that workplace expectations have also changed. Some prefer to work physically in the office, while others appreciate the ability to work from home. As a manager, it makes sense to support this flexibility, but without sacrificing the structure of your work processes. 

Read more about how to master hybrid collaboration.

Is skilled at both giving and receiving constructive feedback

A good manager masters honest and constructive feedback and dialog. In other words, they should be able to give positive feedback to recognize good performance while providing guidance for improvement. 

Watch our webinar 'How to give developmental feedback to your employees'.

But a good leader is not only able to give good feedback. They are also open to receiving feedback from others and using it to adjust their approach. In fact, as a leader, you can actively seek feedback to increase your and your team's learning outcomes.

Watch our webinar 'Ask for feedback and become a better leader'.

This open dialog about feedback helps develop the whole team and strengthens the overall potential of the unit.

Read more: 5 concrete ways you as a manager can work with feedback

3 tips for the new manager

Stepping into the role of a leader is like taking the first step into an exciting and challenging journey. Whether you've been promoted internally or are new to the organization, being a leader comes with a range of responsibilities and expectations that extend beyond individual work. 

As a manager, you are now not only responsible for your own tasks and performance, but also for leading, inspiring and guiding your employees towards common goals. This section is dedicated to you, the new leader, who wants to step into this role with confidence, insight and an open mindset for learning. Juggling the balancing act between making decisions, building relationships and creating a productive work culture can be overwhelming. Nevertheless, it's an indispensable journey that can shape not only your own career, but also the work environment you help create for your employees.

Here are our three tips for the new leader who wants to navigate this journey successfully:

  1. Be authentic: It's important to be yourself as a leader. Be honest about your strengths and areas where you want to grow. Your employees will appreciate the authenticity and credibility that comes with it.

  2. Learn from your mistakes: Mistakes and challenges are part of every leader's journey. Use them as learning opportunities and don't be afraid to admit when things don't go as planned. This shows your openness to learn and improve.

  3. Self-care: Remember that good leadership begins with yourself. Make sure you balance work and personal wellbeing. Prioritize time for reflection, learning and time to recharge so you can lead with energy and clarity.

Being a good leader is about developing a constant strive for improvement and being open to learning from both successes and challenges. Over time, your leadership style will evolve and shape a positive work environment that inspires and guides your team towards success.

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