Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
#1 Vaner with Torben Wiese

#1 Vaner with Torben Wiese


WORK IN PROGRESS #1: This episode is all about habits - both personal habits and collective habits in a team.

Torben is the founder of the company Habitmanager, where he has worked with habits for the past 15 years. On a daily basis, he gives lectures and workshops on habit breaking and habit building.

In this episode, we talk about how habits can affect you as a person and what collective habits in a team can mean for your collaboration and productivity.

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Topicsthat we'll get through:

  • Why does our brain like to build habits?
  • What can you do to map your motivation to your habits?
  • What's the best way to start building a new habit?
  • How can we use other people's help in our work with personal habits?
  • Collective habits - How can you as a team start working on your habits?

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