Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
Webinar: How to give developmental feedback to your employees

Webinar: How to give developmental feedback to your employees


RECORDING FROM HELD WEBINAR | Free webinar for managers and learning geeks who want to give feedback that creates learning and development

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

Have you ever felt wobbly and insecure when giving feedback to an employee? Then you're completely normal. We can't take away your doubts, but we can offer you some tools to guide you towards more fulfilling feedback experiences.

In this webinar, we will introduce you to a number of tools, philosophies and mindsets that can be useful if you want to give feedback that helps your employees learn and grow.

The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Are a leader with responsibility for your employees' development
  • Has a central function in relation to training or development

When you participate you get:

  • Knowledge of specific feedback tools
  • Knowledge on how to create more equal feedback dialogues
  • Opportunity to reflect on your own feedback habits
  • Concrete considerations on balancing the use of advice and questions in your feedback

The webinar will be hosted by our partners Morten Melby and Jonas Bro.

If you want to read a little more about the topic - principles of good feedback - you can do so in this article.

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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