Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
What is High Performance?

What is High Performance?


High performance is closely linked to both self-awareness and well-being.

Klaus Veile is the founder and CEO of Sapiens Performance and Denmark's first full-time professional rugby player. On a daily basis, Klaus works to create high performance in teams and organizations around the world. One of the main points of the episode is that high performance is characterized by continuously strong performance, while the individual members thrive in their daily constellation.

What does high performance mean?

According to Klaus Vejle, there are many definitions of high performance and people mix up many concepts, but in his world, high performance is about both feeling good and doing good. It requires you to constantly ask yourself questions such as; what do I need to do to thrive better, what do I need to be better at, etc. It also requires you to have the courage to stand up for yourself.

Self-awareness and high performance go hand in hand

If you don't have self-awareness, you can't achieve high performance. Self-awareness is one of the most important qualities to have as a leader, as it's a tool that helps you navigate what kind of leader you are. It's important that you take a leadership role as a manager to create the workplace culture you want. In addition, Klaus mentions that good communication through feedback is a great way to help each other gain more self-awareness.

The quest for wellbeing

Trust is another parameter that is crucial to your employees' well-being in the workplace. Klaus explains how trust between manager and employee makes the employee feel valued and included, which influences the employee's performance. In addition, it's important that when we look for a new job, we look at the culture of the place and whether we fit in, because it has a big impact on our wellbeing. We need to look for a "culture fit" rather than a "skillfit" in a workplace, otherwise it can have an impact on our bodies in the form of stress symptoms or other forms of illness.

Take a look here if you'd like to learn more about high performance and self-awareness?

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