Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
#12 Humanistic Management with Jacob Jespersen - Maersk Training

#12 Humanistic Management with Jacob Jespersen - Maersk Training


WORK IN PROGRESS #12: The episode is about having a humanistic management style while meeting objectives in the organization.

Jacob works as a Senior Management Consultant at Maersk Training. Here he works mainly with team development. Jacob has a background as an export engineer, psychotherapist, national team rower and coach, and a sergeant in the Air Force. In this episode, we talk about what characterizes a humanistic leadership style and how you can become better at demonstrating humane behavior in your daily leadership. We also touch on the paradox of how you can drive goal-oriented and result-oriented leadership, while still being able to embrace the human aspects of your collaboration.

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Topics we get through in this episode:

  • How can you train yourself to become more human in your leadership?
  • How do you balance the needs of the individual employee with the goals of the organization?
  • What benefits will you and your organization experience from having a more humanistic focus?
  • Can you fake humanistic leadership?
  • How can you look for role models in humanistic leadership?
  • What is the relationship between your self-awareness as a leader and your ability to accommodate other people?

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