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One question to hold on to good ideas

One question to hold on to good ideas


Friday Feedback #46: How do we hold on to the good ideas that the corona crisis brought?

What is something you did and enjoyed - but no longer do?


Let's pretend that:

🎉 = Great new ideas that emerged during Corona.

😫 = Old habits slowly creeping back in


Do you recognize any of these?


🎉 Homework was necessary (and worked!). 

😫 Now no one is working at home.


🎉 Meetings could be virtual and save a lot of transportation time and actually work just as well (sometimes shorter and more efficient)

😫 Now we don't consider virtual meetings anymore.


🎉 Management regularly informs about the course, situation, up's and down's on webinar format.

😫 Now we're back to rare town hall meetings, which are far less flexible and unfortunately boring.

Now it's your turn - what are your examples:

🎉 An innovation/idea that you really think works
😫 An old habit that is taking over again.

You probably have at least a few examples, right? Share them here.

This tip is a follow-up to the first tip to help you make the most of Corona - i.e. the conditions under Corona in 2020.

Next steps: Seek feedback - get more insights.

You can ask your team or employees the question we share in the video - first it provides insight, and with insight you can act.

As always, you can also watch the video on LinkedIn and the accompanying commentary track.

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