Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
#14 Job satisfaction with Alexander Kjerulf

#14 Job satisfaction with Alexander Kjerulf


WORK IN PROGRESS #14: The episode is about job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is a fleeting emotion. It comes and goes and is different from job satisfaction, but how do we get more of it? Listen in as we are joined by Alexander Kjerulf, founder of Arbejdsglæ, author of five books and frequent speaker on job satisfaction. Alexander and his colleagues have just given a talk in country number 50! In the episode, Alexander shares a lot of interesting cases and weaves in knowledge and research on job satisfaction along the way.

With Feedwork you learn more about feedback and job satisfaction.

Topics we get through in this episode:

  • The difference between job satisfaction and job satisfaction.
  • What job satisfaction means for our lives? (hint: a lot!)
  • Job satisfaction is an expectation in Denmark, but directly opposite in other countries.
  • What the positive and negative stories do differently.
  • Clear research showing the most effective way to achieve more job satisfaction.
  • Who is responsible for employee job satisfaction?
  • The link between job satisfaction, motivation and productivity.
  • The research suggests one thing you can do to get more job satisfaction.

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