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Tool Tuesday: 'focus frames'

4 questions can solve your problem

Did you know that something as simple as 4 questions can solve your or your colleagues' problems?

Okay, maybe not problems with the coffee machine in the office - but, you get the point.

Problems and conflicts are part of everyday life, but they don't always have to be so hard to solve. Although disagreements and problems arise because we are different individuals, these problems can often be solved much more simply than what we think.

In this Tool Tuesday, we present 3 focus frames and the 4 related questions that can help make the workflow a little simpler.

Watch and hear Mikkel explain more 👇

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Morten Melby

Morten is a former Air Force officer, graduated in business economics and psychology from CBS and has worked in management consulting for the past 9 years.

Morten is a former Air Force officer, graduated in business economics and psychology from CBS and has worked in management consulting for the past 9 years.

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