Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
Webinar: How to increase your psychological safety

Webinar: How to increase your psychological safety

Psychological Safety

RECORDING FROM PREVIOUS WEBINAR | Free webinar particularly relevant for managers, HR professionals and facilitators who want to work on the psychological safety of their team or organisation

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

There's a lot of talk about psychological safety these days, so you may have already come across the concept. In this webinar, you will learn how to understand the concept and how you can work concretely to increase psychological safety in your team or organisation.

In short, the psychological safety of a group says something about how willing members are to offer input, ask questions, give feedback or challenge each other's ideas and suggestions. If psychological safety is not sufficient, your colleagues or staff will prefer to remain silent, as they don't want to risk looking stupid or feeling judged, and valuable contributions may be missed.

We are particularly interested in psychological safety because it is largely the foundation for healthy and productive feedback to occur, and because we have both seen and felt the impact of psychological safety on team members' engagement in work.

The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Want more lively knowledge sharing in your team
  • Working to strengthen feedback culture
  • Working to create more inclusive management of your employees
  • Working to make the most of diversity

When you attend the webinar you will:

  • Knowledge of what psychological safety is and how it can be measured
  • Examples of what holds employees back from joining the conversation
  • Concrete tools on how you can help increase psychological safety
  • Knowledge of the interaction between feedback and psychological safety

The webinar will be hosted by our partners Danni Liljekrans and Jonas Bro.

Now that it's done, you can continue reading at your own pace about mental health and safety here.

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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