Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
Webinar: From mistakes to learning - 3 tips to end the culture of zero mistakes

Webinar: From mistakes to learning - 3 tips to end the culture of zero mistakes

Psychological Safety

RECORDING FROM PREVIOUS WEBINAR | Free webinar for managers, project leaders, HR professionals - or those who want to create a culture where it's normal to talk about mistakes so you can learn from them.

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

What is a mistake? Why are they so eternally difficult to talk about? And perhaps most importantly, what can we do to make it more normal to talk about mistakes so that we can all learn from them? These questions will be answered in this webinar, based on a mix of theory and experience with the topic. As always with our webinars, we will keep it practical and at eye level, so that you get concrete tips and tools that you can go straight back and use in your everyday life.

The webinar will be hosted by Morten Melby and Jonas Bro, who are both partners in Feedwork, and Helene Hupfeldt, a trained psychologist who has been working with Feedwork on psychological safety for the past six months.

The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Want you and your team to become better at learning from your mistakes
  • Is a leader for other people
  • Want to strengthen the learning culture in the team or organization

When you attend the webinar you will:

  • New perspectives on failure
  • Knowing what makes it hard to talk about mistakes
  • Knowledge about what you can gain from talking about errors
  • Concrete tips and tools to make talking about mistakes more normal and acceptable

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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Psychological Safety
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