Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
Why is curiosity important for our society?

Why is curiosity important for our society?


Curiosity and self-awareness are important both on a personal level and in building strong teams.

Flemming Christensen is the founder and CEO of THINK ABOUT IT, a company that works with leadership and teamwork through the enneagram. Today we talk about curiosity and self-awareness on a personal level and in building strong teams. Flemming shares some of the tools he uses to create a meaningful life and to give direction to his initiatives. This episode will provide you with a wide range of small, powerful questions that you can use to reflect on your own life choices and spark your own curiosity.

Read more about feedback here.

Who is responsible for training curiosity in our relationships?

In general, there is a huge need for curiosity in our society. Flemming explains how children need their parents to be continuously curious about them, otherwise their learning curve will stop. A relationship also needs continuous curiosity, otherwise it will eventually fall apart. Similarly, employees also need their manager to be curious about other things besides business because it creates a good contagious synergy effect throughout the organization, Flemming explains. A leader has a responsibility to themselves and their employees to be curious because they are in a position of power where their behavior reflects back on other people.

How do we listen to our head, heart and body?

Flemming explains what happens when we listen to our different body parts; "When we listen to the body, we find out if we are present at all. There are times when your body is not present. It's in situations where you're not mentally present, where you're not listening or where you may not have turned on your intuition. You can also listen to your heart. It's your heart that makes judgments and attitudes. Poor self-esteem and self-confidence also come from the heart, but we can change that by training our curiosity. The last "listening factor" is the head. When we use our head to listen, we often create cognitive distortions. These are patterns of thoughts that give a particular perspective on yourself and the world around you. We can change these thought patterns by listening to them so that they become more constructive instead of destructive".

If you want to hear more about these topics, listen to our podcast about it here.

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