Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
How can we optimize our personal efficiency?

How can we optimize our personal efficiency?


Personal effectiveness and mental performance with Niels Vium.

Niels Vium is known to the public for his podcast "MindCast". In addition to running the podcast, Niels is a management consultant at the consultancy Lead and is studying a master's degree in business administration and psychology at Copenhagen Business School. In this episode, we discuss both tangible tips for your personal effectiveness, but also the underlying considerations of why you should be concerned with your mental performance and personal effectiveness.

Read more about good feedback here .

How can we perform at our best?

Basically, personal effectiveness is about finding out how we can perform at our best in everyday life, gain more energy and be present at the same time. According to Niels, there are two factors that play a big role when it comes to personal effectiveness - diet and sleep. It may sound simple, but if you don't eat right or get enough sleep, you won't be able to perform at your best in everyday life. When you're in balance with yourself, you'll create better results both at home and at work.

You can read about performance management and prima donna management here

Are you getting enough sleep?

How often do you feel fully rested when the alarm clock rings? My guess is rarely. Most of us could be better at managing our bedtimes, but it's difficult because our addiction to devices such as cell phones, computers and TVs deprives us of important minutes when we should be sleeping.

A concrete tip from Niels is to avoid consuming new information 30 minutes before going to sleep. It's also a good idea to sleep in as dark a room as possible and avoid blue light before sleep. In this way, you prepare your brain for sleep, and in the morning you can benefit from going for a morning walk, as it will activate your brain and make it more fresh and motivated for the challenges of the day.

You may want to read about: self-management.

The Pomodoro Method

In addition to optimizing his sleep and eating a balanced diet, Niels also works with the Pomodoro technique. It involves working in intervals. You set a timer for 25 minutes where you can't be disturbed and where you can only work on one task. When the 25 min. has passed, you must stop working and take a 5-minute break. It can be difficult to stop working after 25 minutes because you feel in a state of flow where you forget about time and place, but it's important to take a break because you will come back to your task with renewed energy and creativity.

If you want more tips from Niels Vium, listen to our podcast here.

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