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Tool Tuesday video: 'Table Cards'

TOOL TUESDAY Table cards: from silos to collaboration
It's not just in elementary school that we group together. Humans are pack animals, and preventing social silos in the workplace can be difficult. These silos can hamper collaboration and limit the exchange of ideas across teams and departments.

This week's tool Tuesday can help prevent that!

Danni has an ingenious tool, in addition to the tool 'Check-in', to help the problem on the way 💪

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Danni Liljekrans

Danni holds a master's degree in Management and Organizational Psychology from Aalborg University, but is actually a graduate engineer in robotics. Instead of developing robots, since 2014 he has been working on developing leaders and teams. He has good charisma and is at the same time lightning-sharp.

Danni holds a master's degree in Management and Organizational Psychology from Aalborg University, but is actually a graduate engineer in robotics. Instead of developing robots, since 2014 he has been working on developing leaders and teams. He has good charisma and is at the same time lightning-sharp.

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