Free webinar on May 2: Understanding the 3 types of feedback
Webinar: How to lead a feedback culture

Webinar: How to lead a feedback culture


RECORDING FROM WEBINAR | Free webinar for managers and HR professionals who want to support their employees in seeking and using feedback

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

How do you lead a feedback culture and how can managers actively support their employees in seeking and using feedback?

Leaders play a key role in building feedback cultures in organizations. Therefore, it's completely relevant that you as a leader know how to create the best conditions for a feedback culture to flourish. Our partner, Danni, explored these dynamics for his master's project last year, and now we're sharing the answers with you.

When you attend the webinar you will:

  • Answers to what leadership behaviors support a healthy feedback culture
  • Insight into the studies and surveys Danni has worked on
  • Understanding how your behavior as a manager affects employee motivation in relation to feedback
  • Case studies with examples of managers' different styles and impact on feedback culture

What should you do more and less of?

The goalis for you as a manager (or HR professional supporting managers) to better choose what to do more and less of to promote a healthy feedback culture in your organization.

In the webinar, you will meet partners Mikkel Norqvist & Danni Liljekrans, who in a dialog format discuss Danni's findings and the implications it has for you as a leader.

The webinar will provide you with research-based knowledge on the topic, but if you're curious, you can also read our article in Børsen Ledelse from 2018 on how"Leaders must take the lead to create a feedback culture".

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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