Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
Webinar: Psychological Safety & Transformative Stories

Webinar: Psychological Safety & Transformative Stories

Psychological Safety

RECORDING FROM WEBINAR | Free webinar for managers and employees who are interested in strengthening psychological safety in their team or organization - this time through facilitation skills and stories.

Webinar on psychological safety through facilitation skills and stories

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

Through hundreds of workshops, Hakon from Transforming Stories has managed to create an environment where people dare and want to develop themselves or the organization together - from 0 to 100 km/h of psychological safety. How! In this webinar, Danni Liljekrans and Hakon Elliott Mogensen talk about just that and share specific facilitation techniques to inspire you.

In Transforming Stories, Hakon has, among other things, facilitated intensive courses for people with no experience in presentation skills, which in 4 x 4 hours enabled them to give dazzling speeches at the Bremen Theater in front of 650 people. The environment created in Hakon's workshops is something we can all learn from - and on December 14th, we'll have the opportunity.


The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Is a manager with an interest in team and organizational development.
  • Concerned with psychological safety
  • Facilitate workshops, meetings etc.

When you attend the webinar you will:

  • New angles on how to strengthen psychological safety in a team
  • Inspiration on how to park your PowerPoint slides (for a while) and create much more presence in a team
  • Stories about how telling stories (together!) can create direction, understanding and development far more effectively than you're used to.


The webinar will be hosted by our partner Danni Liljekrans and founder of Transforming Stories Hakon Elliott Mogensen

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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