Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
Webinar: The Secret to Motivated Teams: The Role of the Leader Revealed

Webinar: The Secret to Motivated Teams: The Role of the Leader Revealed


WEBINAR RECORDING | Free webinar for managers and HR professionals who want knowledge and practical tools to create motivated and engaged employees

Webinar on the secret to motivated teams: The role of the leader revealed

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

Most leaders know this already. Motivated and engaged employees ARE just an essential ingredient in the mission to create great and sustainable results. But in our busy lives, filled with deadlines and more unread emails than there are pigeons in the town hall square, we tend to forget to do the things that make a huge difference.

In this webinar, we are joined by Monta Sir Benali, who has many years of experience both as a leader in the business world and later as a management consultant and coach - and together we will focus on the leadership behaviors that stand in the way of motivation and engagement, and what you as a leader can and should do instead.

The format of the webinar will be dialogical between the hosts, with ongoing interactions with the participants in the form of questions, Menti's and comments.

You can read about self-management here.

The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Are a manager and want to strengthen your leadership.
  • Is an HR professional who mentors, advises and coaches managers in the organization.
  • Are about to be a manager or have a desire to be one in the future.

When you attend the webinar, you will:

  • Understanding what engagement and motivation are.
  • Know how much of an impact you as a leader have on engagement and motivation.
  • Insights into which leadership behaviors kill motivation and engagement.
  • Tools and strategies for what leaders should do instead to drive motivation and engagement.

The webinar will be hosted by Jonas Bro, Partner at Feedwork, and Monta Sir Benali, Leadership Advisor at MSB Business Culture.

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