Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
Webinar: Better decisions & increased psychological safety through bias-aware leadership with Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen

Webinar: Better decisions & increased psychological safety through bias-aware leadership with Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen

Psychological Safety

WEBINAR RECORDING | Free webinar for managers and HR professionals who want knowledge and practical tools to make better decisions and increase psychological safety.

Webinar on decisions, power, psychological safety, behavioral design and bias.

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page

This webinar will give most leaders some aha moments about the psychological mechanisms that unconsciously affect us in everyday life and, fortunately, also some useful methods to circumvent them.

We will be joined by Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen, author of the book "Biasbevidst Ledelse". She is a trained psychologist, specializes in diversity and inclusive leadership and has a PhD in cross-cultural diversity.

Christina will share some of the methods from the book in the webinar, and in dialog with Danni, we will zoom in on how to make better decisions in our leadership through an awareness of power, diversity and biases.

As usual, we try to make the webinar both inspiring and tangible with concrete tools that you can use immediately in your leadership.

The format of the webinar will be dialogical between the hosts, with ongoing interactions with the participants in the form of questions, Menti's and comments. You, as a participant, will therefore have the opportunity to shape the dialog, get answers to your questions and, not least, contribute with your own experiences and knowledge through the webinar.

The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Leaders at all levels
  • Employees who have informal power and thus influence the decision-making processes in your organization

When you attend the webinar, you will:

  • An updated view on inclusion & diversity and why it "pays" for leaders and organizations to become adept at creating an inclusive environment
  • Perspectives on how power blinds and what you can do as a leader to counteract this effect in favor of better solutions and increased psychological safety
  • Concrete tools: 3 tools and methods you can use immediately in your meetings and decision-making processes.

The webinar will be hosted by Danni Liljekrans, Partner in Feedwork, and Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen, Psychologist, Author and Diversity Strategic Management Consultant at Cohera Consult.

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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