Free webinar on June 4: Unlock the potential of digital learning
Webinar: 8 ways to strengthen psychological safety

Webinar: 8 ways to strengthen psychological safety

Psychological Safety

WEBINAR RECORDING | Free webinar for managers, HR professionals, or those who are curious and want concrete tools to strengthen psychological safety

Free webinar on tools to strengthen psychological safety.

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page |

Many of the people we talk to in Danish workplaces seem to have a basic understanding of what psychological safety is and why it is important. However, we are often asked the question "But how do I do it in everyday life...?" - because what good is knowledge and understanding if it is not translated into action?

You are therefore invited to a one-hour upgrade of your psychological safety toolbox, where you will get 8 concrete tools and actions you can take to strengthen psychological safety in your team, organization or unit. We take Amy Edmondson's evidence-based toolbox for leaders as a starting point and spice it up with our own experiences and advice on what you can do in your everyday life.

Throughout the webinar, there will be continuous interaction with you as a participant in the form of questions, "Menti's" and comments in the chat. You, as a participant, will therefore have the opportunity to shape the dialog, get answers to your questions and, not least, contribute with your own experiences and knowledge.

NB: In March, an intro webinar on psychological safety will be held. So for those of you who want a basic understanding and introduction to psychological safety, we recommend you watch that webinar first.

The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Is a manager (no matter what level).
  • Is an HR professional working with leadership and learning in the organization.
  • Have a good basic understanding of psychological safety and would like more tools to translate knowledge into behavior.

When you attend the webinar, you will:

  • Overview of the toolkit for managers.
  • 8 tools to strengthen psychological safety.
  • Examples of how the tools can be used in everyday life.
  • Clarifying what you can go back and work on.

The webinar will be hosted by Jonas Bro and Morten Melby, both partners at Feedwork.

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There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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