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What exactly is artificial intelligence?

What exactly is artificial intelligence?


What does the future of the labor market look like in relation to the development of technology?

Mikkel Næsager is CTO of Kostner Group, a company that uses artificial intelligence to replace human irrational decision-making in optimizing IT costs for businesses. We talk to Mikkel about how technology is making inroads into our everyday lives and what our realistic expectations should look like. Of particular interest is the episode's definition of artificial intelligence. Listen in as we explore the future of the labor market in relation to the development of technology.

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What is artificial intelligence?

Can you remember all your friends' birthdays in your head? Can't you? Then it's a good thing we have artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a machine that is able to think, learn and make decisions on the same level as a human. Artificial intelligence remembers your friends' birthdays on Facebook and gives you notifications on the day itself so you can say "happy birthday" to them. Another example would be a machine that can diagnose patients - things that a doctor would normally take care of.

What are the disadvantages of artificial intelligence?

While there are many benefits to artificial intelligence, is there a downside? The way we interact with other people today will change in the future because robots will take over. Mikkel gives an example: "You might have a small child who wants to watch something on TV, but she's not very good at using the remote control, so you have to help her - that is, have a human relationship with her. You might have 200 interactions with her a day. In the future, however, AI will start to take over about 50 of your interactions because it can fulfill her needs faster."

Loneliness is another disadvantage that artificial intelligence can create. You may feel like you have a lot of interactions with your friends through messaging and online chat features, but you haven't actually interacted with them, which can make you feel lonely. It's hard to build on a human relationship over chat - that's why our digital interactions shouldn't completely replace human interactions.

The future and artificial intelligence

Over the next few decades, we will see automation of around 50% of jobs in all industries. Despite the increasing use of artificial intelligence in society, there are some things we still prefer to do face-to-face. It's nice to talk to our hairdresser when we get our hair cut, even though a robot could in principle do the actual cutting, and it's also nice to get a smile from a café employee when they pour our coffee.

There are many pros and cons when it comes to artificial intelligence, but one thing is certain; we can't avoid robots, so we might as well welcome them.

If you want to hear more about this topic, listen to our podcast about it here.

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