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Webinar: Introduction to psychological safety - the key to sustainable performance

Webinar: Introduction to psychological safety - the key to sustainable performance

Psychological Safety

WEBINAR RECORDING | Free webinar for managers, HR professionals, or anyone who wants a thorough and easy-to-understand introduction to psychological safety

Free introductory webinar on psychological safety.

| This webinar has been held - download the webinar recording at the bottom of the page

Psychological safety as a concept is slowly gaining ground in Danish workplaces - for good reason. Not only is it something employees increasingly expect from their workplace, now and in the future, but psychological safety is also a prerequisite for the workplace to innovate and perform sustainably in a changing world.

Therefore, we invite you to a free and inspiring introduction to psychological safety in the workplace, where we uncover what psychological safety is and, in particular, why it is important to work with in the year 2024. In addition, you will also get concrete tools and tips on how to get started working with psychological safety.

Throughout the webinar, there will be continuous interaction with you as a participant in the form of questions, "Menti's" and comments in the chat. You, as a participant, will therefore have the opportunity to shape the dialog, get answers to your questions and, not least, contribute with your own experiences and knowledge.

NB: In April, we will host another webinar on psychological safety, where we will go in-depth with the toolbox and what you can do to strengthen psychological safety. Therefore, this webinar is an opportunity to get a good start for the April webinar.

The webinar is particularly relevant for those who:

  • Is a manager (no matter what level).
  • Is an HR professional working with leadership and learning in the organization.
  • Have heard of the concept of psychological safety and would like a deeper understanding of it.

When you attend the webinar, you will:

  • Knowledge of what psychological safety is and how it can be read and measured.
  • Examples of what holds employees back from contributing, asking questions, giving feedback or challenging the status quo.
  • Why managers overestimate the level of psychological safety in the organization.
  • Tips and tricks on how to get started working with psychological safety.

The webinar will be hosted by Mikkel Norqvist, Partner at Feedwork, and Ida Brogaard, Consultant at Feedwork.

Enter your email and get access to the resource

By entering your email you allow us to stay in touch. We'll write when there are new resources, articles or podcasts.

There you go. Here is your recording of our webinar. Enjoy!
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