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DISC and Feedback for I-Type

Friday Feedback #26: Feedback for the types who never shut up. Do you know someone who always talks a lot? Who changes the subject constantly, is very resourceful, creative and probably inspiring? They're not necessarily easy to give feedback to. In the DISC personality type tool, we call them influential, inspiring, articulate, resourceful, empathetic - there's a lot to like about the "yellow" type - but how do you give them feedback? Watch and get a few ideas.

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DISC and Feedback for the C-type

Friday Feedback #27: Feedback for the analytical and correct types. Do you know someone who always corrects even the smallest mistakes? Who double-checks, verifies and becomes a bit of a black-viewer? We take a closer look at what a feedback session with the blue DISC type might look like (and actually, what it should NOT look like...)

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Inspiration for job satisfaction

Friday Feedback #29: Job satisfaction is not rocket science - but it doesn't come by itself either. This episode is published on a Saturday, see why in the video :-)

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DISC and Feedback for D-type

Friday Feedback #25: Feedback for D in the DISC model. How do you give feedback to the dominant type in the DISC model? Here in the video you get a little idea about it.

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Feedback & Introversion - an introduction

Friday Feedback #23: Introverts & extroverts approach feedback differently. A short and fun introduction to introverts and extroverts that we build on in the following videos. Indeed, your own and the recipient's type affects how you should plan your feedback.

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One action that sends colleagues well on holiday

Friday Feedback #30: How do you send employees on a good holiday? The tip to send each other well on Christmas break with a little #kudos, #thanks and #recognition.

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You don't hear the truth because of your behaviour

Friday Feedback #22: You say you want to hear the truth. But your behavior tells a different story. Learn more about how your behaviour affects the feedback you receive in this episode of #Fridayfeedback.

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DISC and Feedback for the S-type

Friday Feedback #28: Feedback for the green DISC type. The DISC types are simple and therefore effective in giving us concrete suggestions on how to best communicate with each other. The S type in DISC is friendly and kind - but that doesn't mean we shouldn't give them feedback. We just need to do it in a friendly way.

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5 steps to optimise your meetings

Friday Feedback #35: 5 steps to meeting optimization

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man holding his hand up in a classroom