How to Strengthen Your Feedback Culture in Just 3 x 2 hours

  • Ease of implementation
  • Increased employee well-being
  • 6000 kr.

That's how good it is
(according to customers)

"Det digitale teamforløb har givet os et fælles sprog og ramme at tale feedback ud fra, og nu føler vi en øget afslappethed og frihed i relation til emnet. Det, at feedbackforløbet blev faciliteret af os selv, gav os et endnu mere trygt rum, fordi vi kun var os selv, og ikke havde deltagere udefra."

Jacob Matzen; Chefkonsulent, og Line Nielsen; Chefkonsulent, Ledelsessekretariatet, Odense Kommune

How is that going on?

The course is video-based. It consists of 3 video workshops a max of 90 minutes for the whole team plus 3 short videos for the team leader. Here, the team leader dresses to conduct the team sessions and support the team in learning.

Start your course now

Course content

Welcome to

Overview of the video course
Welcome to the leader
Your role as a leader

For Leader: Get Ready for Team Session #1

Leadership Video #1 and Facilitator Guide
Welcome video to the team

Team Session #1

Workbook #1
Team Session Video #1
How to Support Your Team in the Period Leading Up to Team Session #2

For Leader: Get Ready for Team Session #2

Leadership Video #2 and Facilitator Guide

Team Session #2

Workbook #2
Team Session Video #2
How to Support Your Team in the Period Leading Up to Team Session #3

For Leader: Get Ready for Team Session #3

Leadership Video #3 and Facilitator Guide

Team Session #3

Workbook #3
Team Session Video #3

The further training

Keep up the good work
Two nordic men

About the course

3 team sessions a max of 90 minutes of exercises
1 video and 1 facilitator guide for each team session dressing the leader
1 workbook for each team session

Your trainers

Jonas Bridge


Jonas is often described as inspirational, enthusiastic and passionate. He loves talking to other people and finding out what drives them. Maybe because he is so curious and wants to know everything and more. At the same time, he has plenty of humor, which makes him an entertaining and sought-after communicator. When you meet Jonas outside the office, it will typically be with a basketball in his hand or perhaps a book that can make him smarter about how to perform even better, mentally as well as physically.


  • The M.Sc. Finance & Strategic Management
  • Army Reserve Officer
  • Former elite sports athlete
  • Certified Coach
  • Previous work with Corporate Finance

Morten Melby


When you meet Morten for the first time, you will quickly find that you are facing a very welcoming and curious human being. Here's a man who really listens to what you're saying. You will probably also find that he is articulate, competent and matter-of-fact when he speaks himself, and that he is not afraid to say what he thinks. If you were to meet Morten on the street and don't feel like talking work, you can always get him to talk about cycling, sports, cooking and everything that goes on the internet.


  • B.Sc. in Business Economics and Psychology
  • Reserve Officer in the Air Force
  • Former elite sports athlete
  • Certified Coach
  • Co-founder of Feedwork


Questions and answers

How much time does the program require from the leader and the team?

The team will participate in three team sessions of 90 minutes each, totaling approximately 4.5 hours. Additionally, the leader's or facilitator's preparation will take a total of approximately 60 minutes.

What languages is the program available in?

Danish and english.

How long do we have access to the material?

1 year from the date of purchase.

Can the sessions be conducted virtually for teams that are not physically together?


Can we pay by invoice?

Yes. Contact us at with your invoice info.

Which team sizes can the program accommodate?

The program has been tested with teams ranging from 2 to 25 employees and works perfectly well with teams of that size. In the facilitator guide, we provide guidance on how to facilitate for both large and small teams.

How is the program used in larger organizations?

If you would like to make the program available to multiple teams within the same organization, we can create a solution specifically for you. The price per team will be lower in this case. Please contact us below to learn more.

Can it be integrated into our learning platform?

Yes. Contact us below to learn more.

Contact us here